Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories

From Haifa to Berlin – family fathers recall their (hi)stories

Project 1, implemented in 2010:

The 13 male participants between 50 and 65 years of age who grew up in Lebanese refugee camps as a result of what the Palestinians view as Nakba (Arab: catastrophe) and have been living in Germany with their families since the 1970s, address their own history of expulsion putting these events into a broader historical context.

The project got started with the documentation of the participants' life stories. In doing so, the men predominantly focused on their own narrative, their identities and their definition of the term home. Discussed were the highly complex and changeable meanings of "Heimat" (Arabic: watan), heritage and identity conflicts due to the duality between eastern and western culture.

Project Management
Mohamad Zaher, Elisabeth Kahn

Mohammed Ibrahim Abdulla, Imad Chaachouh, Abed Darraj, Diab El-Issa, Issam Hamdan, Yasser Hemade, Ahmed Ibrahim, Ahmed Ismail, Mustafa Mahmoud, Issam Mansour, Fuad Zaher, Kayed Zaher

Mohammed Ibrahim, Shemi Shabat (Trainer for Intercultural Education and Conflict Management), Guy Band, Samuel Schidem, Ufuk Topkara (freelancers at House of the Wannsee Conference and Jewish Museum Berlin), Tania Ronen (Ghetto Fighters' House Museum), Allon Dror, Carmit Matievich (Eshbal Center for Shared Experience)

Contributors / educational trip
Frieder Aurin (photo and video) David Sutherland (photo)



Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories


Mohamad Zaher

(director and co-founder of the non-profit organisation Karame e.V.) strives to devise intercultural projects which promote dialogue and explore memories and life history within the context of the Middle East Conflict. In his view it is imperative to address Anti-Semitism, National Socialism and the Holocaust to comprehend the history and events leading to the Middle East Conflict.

Elisabeth Kahn

(Graduate of the Berlin Institute of Technology, majoring in Educational Sciences with major fields of study Human Rights and Anti-Semitism) has been active in cultural education since 2001 and has been working for Karame e.V. as a free-lance facilitator since 2004. She has diverse experiences devising and implementing transcultural projects and is interested to generate and explore political with cultural education as a means of education.


Guy Band

(Master Student in Holocaust Studies; Communication and Tolerance, Touro College Berlin and B.A. in Israel Studies, Bar Ilan University Ramat Gan); free-lance facilitator in various projects in extra-curricular, political-historical education, e.g. Wannsee Conference Memorial Site (Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz). Jewish Museum Berlin and August Bebel Institute. Staff member der Wille GmbH, focussing on interreligious and intercultural dialogue, Middle East Conflict, National Socialism.

Mohammed Ibrahim

(Political Scientist focussing on International Relations, Free University of Berlin) is a free-lance facilitator for conflict management and intercultural dialogue. He runs, jointly with Israeli facilitators, programmes at a national as well as international level, interactive workshops on the Middle East Conflict directed towards young people and educators.

Samuel Schidem

(PhD student in Middle Eastern Studies) lives and works in Berlin as a self-employed lecturer at the education department of the Jewish Museum, Topography of Terror Documentation Center, as a free-lance facilitator with the Jewish Museum Berlin on.tour. In addition he works and as independent advisor and lecturer. Focus areas: democratic and political education; minorities and their rights within the political system; European and Middle East Politics; interreligious dialogue; Jewish-Muslim relations.

Shemi Shabat

(M.A. in Educational Sciences; B.A. in Social Science, Tel Aviv University; free-lance facilitator and advisor for Political Education Empowernment and Diversity) was active in Palestine-Israel as group manager and coordinator in various civil society organisations and education. Since 2007 he devises concepts and runs workshops in Berlin and is a seminary facilitator for extracurricular youth education and adult vocational training.

Videos / Photos

Frieder Aurin

Master in Communications Management, Berlin University of the Arts – emphasis: audiovisual media, neoformatistic film analysis, crisis management); is a free-lance media producer (video production, photography, media education with young people, project documentation) for various theatre companies, non-profit organisations, schools, artists and communication agencies.

The history workshops were conducted by multi-cultural teams with an interreligious background who were also shared into the project development.

Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories

From the New Home to the Heritage of the Past

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„From Berlin to Haifa – It arouses my curiosity when a group of Palestinian family fathers, who feel at home in Berlin, after many decades want to once more cover the distance from Haifa to Berlin. At first the family fathers travelled mentally through workshops and personal interviews and then ‘properly‘.“
(Ulla Kux, Programme Manager, funding program (Hi)stories in Diversity)

Read the preface (in German)

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About the film

The 30 minute short film "From the New Home to the Heritage of the Past" was made during the educational trip to Israel and into the Palestinian territory of the West Bank. It documents the participants' impressions while visiting the places of origin of their exiled parents.

A film made by Elisabeth Kahn and Frieder Aurin, commissioned by Karame e.V.

Produced by
Frieder Aurin Medienproduktion


Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories

Project Impressions

„Berlin is a centre of the Palestinian Diaspora. Most notably due to the Lebanese civil war, Palestinians from refugee camps found their way to Berlin and the city became the new home for these displaced persons. Needless to say, these refugees brought their stories with them. Through them the Middle East conflict became a component of Berlin's history. Meanwhile the knowledge concerning the origin of the different migrant groups belongs to the knowledge about our joint history.“
(Günter Piening, Senate Representative for Integration and Migration, 2003-2012)

Read the preface (in German)

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Photo Galleries


Teaching history in Berlin and Israel

Educational Journey

Israel and Palestinian Territories / West Bank


In conclusion of the project at the EVZ


Project Impressions

© 2012, Frieder Aurin
and Karame e.V.

Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories


Photo Galleries


Teaching history in Berlin and Israel

Educational Journey

Israel and Palestinian Territories / West Bank


In conclusion of the project at the EVZ


Project Impressions

© 2012, Frieder Aurin
and Karame e.V.

Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories

Educational Journey

Photo Galleries


Teaching history in Berlin and Israel

Educational Journey

Israel and Palestinian Territories / West Bank


In conclusion of the project at the EVZ


Project Impressions

© 2012, Frieder Aurin
and Karame e.V.

Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories

Project presentation at the EVZ

Photo Galleries


Teaching history in Berlin and Israel

Educational Journey

Israel and Palestinian Territories / West Bank


In conclusion of the project at the EVZ


Project Impressions

© 2012, Frieder Aurin
and Karame e.V.

Project 1

From Haifa to Berlin –
family fathers recall
their (hi)stories



Supporting Organisation
Karame e.V.
Mohamad Zaher, Einrichtungsleiter Wilhelmshavener Str. 22
D-10551 Berlin

Tel. +49 (0)30 390 355 16
Fax +49 (0)30 390 355 18

The Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" (EVZ)
Ulla Kux, Programme Manager (HI)STORIES IN DIVERSITY
Lindenstr. 20-25
D-10969 Berlin

Tel. +49 (0)30 259297-84
Fax +49 (0)30 259297-11

Site Notice

Karame e.V.
Wilhelmshavener Str. 22
10551 Berlin

Authorized Board of Representation
Mohamad Zaher
(address stated as above)

Registration Office/Registration Number
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg

Responsible for the content according to § 10 par. 3 MDStV
Mohamad Zaher (address stated as above)

Photography: Frieder Aurin,

Design: Arne Teubel,

Webtechnique: Valentin Finke

Liability note

Karame e.V. is liable for its own information. The organisation is not responsible for the contents of external links. A continuous examination of other public internet pages is neither intended nor possible. The organisation distances itself explicitly from all contents that are relevant when they relate to matters liable to result in criminal proceedings or transgress standards of human decency. All contents serve explicitly for general information. We do not warrant its completeness or accuracy. References, recommendations and information are non-binding, and any usage of information provided is taken at one's own risk...